Friday, May 06, 2005

Procrastinating...Big Time!

I should be cleaning up the apartment, painting the kitchen cupboard doors and the laundry room...and what am doing? I got up at 8am and have imprinted my ass on the computer chair and have been playing around with my blog.
It has taken me three and a half hours to figure out how to add Titles to my blog. In that time, I have also decided that I didn't really care for the nickname Maye December. It was something that I thought up very quickly when I decided to start a blog, never really thinking that it would stick.
I came up with Kross-Eyed Kitty because Mao has been staring me down all morning (or maybe he is just staring down his nose!) Anyway, I wanted to add a picture that I liked to the top of my blog and have yet to figure that out. I am not really that computer-savvy, but I try!
Anyway, I really should get started with my jobs for the day...the real estate agent is coming over tonight.