's still cold so I've decided to run the bathtub. The thing is, it takes 10 minutes to fill the tub downstairs so I thought I'd write a post while I'm waiting. (Hopefully I won't forget about the tub! That would not be good.)
I'm starting to think about Christmas and what I'm going to get people. I usually donate money to World Vision in a my mom & brother's name, and also for Greg's dad & MIL2. Two-four could most likely use the donation herself, so I'll have to think of something for her, besides a monetary gift. This year, I'm thinking of those digital photographs. You know the ones I mean? You download your pictures onto it and it flips through the pictures like an album? So, I'm wondering if I could pre-load it? Scan pictures and send it to this frame? Does anyone know if this can be done (OK....all 5 of you who read this blog of you must know!!!)
I like the idea, but have no idea if it will actually work the way I'm thinking of.
Some years, I am really on top of things and I start my shopping at the end of summer when things are on sale, or sometimes, even the winter before! Is this crazy or what?! I have boxes in the cellar under my stairs and god only knows what is in them! I'm not so much of a packrat, but I do like buying nice things when I see them for a nice price. For instance, the last time I was in Seattle, Pez and I went to a glassybaby factory and there were some babies for sale for $5 each! How could I resist? I ended up packing about ten of them in my suitcase and freaked Pez out. She worries about things like that...
Speaking of which, I guess I will have to be more careful in the future about how heavy my bags are. I understand you now have to pay some exorbitant price for extra weight. Hmpft! Glad I already brought back my Oma's silver ware from Germany.
Speaking of which, I should find and clean, and maybe even use this Christmas.
Gotta check the tub.
Smell ya later.