Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I put a care package together for one of the nurses at work who is starting her journey into the infertility world. It was somewhat of a cleansing experience for me in that I don't have to have stuff lying around the condo as a constant reminder that I will never experience the joy of giving birth to our child. Most days I think I'm over it, but some days, there is a profound sadness associated with it. It seems, that today is one of those days where I'm feeling a little blue about it. Probably because I'm hormonal and waiting to 'Fall off the Roof.'
Jill's package included the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" which quite clearly informed me that I was peri-menopausal, a few packages of Pre-seed (the sperm-friendly lube that costs an arm and a leg, but still didn't help us make a baby) and a jar of folic acid that will last another 2 years. I've replaced it with an army-sized jar of Calcium.
I decided to keep the fertility thermometer as it might come in handy if we get the flu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »