Friday, July 15, 2005

Garbage Pickin' and Other Goodies

The Sunday Antique Market
Every Sunday, when we are in town, Greg and I head to the antique market. We are at the point now, where we don't even ask each other anymore "whaddaya wanna do today?" We just know. We get up, we get dressed, we go to the market, and we go out for breakfast. We have it down to an art. We know exactly what catches our eye and we march through there in about 20 minutes flat. We never invite anyone to come with us, because it seems like everyone else has to pick up and look at every little thing, and that gets irritating. Greg looks for music gear such as guitars, amplifiers and once even an autoharp. I search out 1950's Pyrex, Jadite, 1970's lucite spaghetti lamps, and once in a while something that I completely DON'T need, but I think might come in handy. Like, the Spanish shawl I bought last weekend for $20.
This market attracts all sorts of folks, but some of the more interesting characters have stands and sell their wares. Take the guy in the red t-shirt with the black stripe. He was very tame the day I took this photo. I almost didn't recognize him because he didn't have an inch of foundation smeared on, and he left his spray-on hair and false eye-lashes at home! (It was another really hot day, and I guess he didn't want his head to melt!) He also usually wears a Glitter Jacket, in case he's not flamboyant enough!
There is something to be said about finding a really great deal, and over the years I've really learned to appreciate other people's garbage. And, speaking of garbage, I've also discovered that I am Garbage-Picker Extraodinaire! Yesterday, as I was throwing out the recycling, somebody had thrown out a Le Crueset cast iron dutch oven. Well! I picked that baby up and ran to the car (before anyone could catch me garbage picking) I happen to know that Le Crueset sells for around $200 I REALLY found the deal of the day! And, I checked it out e-bay:
I guess that saying is true: One person's garbage, is another person's treasure!