Monday, January 21, 2008

a midweek contest

On my new Crackberry, I have a choice of:

  1. Email (ing) So and So
  2. SMS (ing) So and So, or
  3. MMS(ing) So and So

My question is:

What is SMS?

and, What is MMS? (Ok, I know...that's two questions)

Since I got my Blackberry, I've seen this SMS/MMS everywhere, and of course I don't have a clue.

First to explain this to me wins....

A handwritten postcard from Toronto with the prettiest stamp I can find!

The most creative to explain this wins...

A handwritten postcard from Toronto with the prettiest stamp I can find!

The most technically confusing explanation wins...

A handwritten postcard from Toronto with the prettiest stamp I can find!

The funniest explanation wins...

A handwritten postcard from Toronto with the prettiest stamp I can find!

Get the gist? Basically, no matter how you explain this, if you leave a comment, I'll send you a postcard (if you want one!)

Contest closes this Thursday. (maybe I'll come up with a better blogpost by Friday?!)


Bobkat said...

OKay, I'm not expert but SMS stands for Short Message Service adn is basically a text message. MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service which lets you send images and suchlike. I believe you have to ahve this service enabled in your subscription package, but like I said, I'm no expert!

Try checking out this Blackberry forum for more info adn also it's a good place to post queries you might have!


Pez said...

SMS is short message service where you can send msgs like:

Pez, u r my bff & OMG u r gr8!

MMS means multi-media service where you can send photos or videos of you dancing in your underwear or Buddy bounding in the snow in his geeky, I mean, k@@L parka.


Moon said...

Gee and I thought SMS was (Sexy Message Sending)...Like to your bf or husbands.. ie;( hun, I'm not wearing underwear at work today..and thinking about you)...

and MMS was (Menstral Mania Syndrome)u know, to warn the men in our lives;..(those dishes better be done when I get home today or your balls will hit the wall with a fwack!!slide down slowly with a thump for me to STEP on them......sweety)

Kristi said...

Oh boy, more techno lingo I don't understand. I would love a Crackberry, though. ;)

Begered said...

Crap...I missed the deadline. Is it too late for me to get a hanwritten postcard with a pretty stamp :) Hope you are you are enjoying your weekend!