Thursday, May 24, 2007

In the week or so since I've returned from vacation I'm feeling overwhelmed and everything is feeling like a juggling act. Work seems to get in the way of all the other things that I need to do. I'd love to be able to take a day to clean the house, do the laundry, go grocery shopping, work on the garden at the house and at the trailer, make time for friends and family, blog, get my vacation photos sorted and printed, recover my dining room chairs, etc, etc, etc. I'm feeling like I can only get jobs started and then I am pulled away because there is something else that needs to be done, or the phone is ringing, or someone is popping by. I'm not complaining (or not EXACTLY complaining) but I do feel like there is so much to do and nothing is getting done. Or, when it does get done, in a few days it needs to be done all over again. Maybe I'm just not organized enough, or maybe I just need a few more days in the week to get everything done. Greg is helpful and he worked hard this past week and sanded and stained our deck in the backyard which looks great. The patio lights that I bought in Seattle are also up and they look adorable. My terra cota clay pots have been hung on the fence, but are barren of any flowers.
I think, what it comes down to, is that since I can't quit my job, that this weekend we will have to stay home and do work around the house.
For the life of me, and I've said this before, how on earth do people with kids manage? Especially these days when you're running kids from school to baseball practice to dance recitals to piano lessons? I know, I just do what you have to do.
Anyway. It's 8:18am and I have to leave for work in an hour. I'm going to put in a load of laundry (that I think Dutchie has already peed on because that is her latest trick. She wasn't happy that we went away for two weeks and has now discovered alternative litter boxes. Usually the bathroom rug, but since I took that away it's now the clothes pile in front of the washing machine.) Sigh.
And, did I mention that I did go for that job interview? A one hour interview where at the end, the manager said that she didn't have a job for me, but thought she would interview me as there might be jobs at the end of summer. The interview was much more in-depth than I'm used to, and I left with my self-esteem at an all-time low.
So, this has been my week thus far: over-whelmed and low-esteemed.
Or perhaps it's just post-vacation blues.


Pez said...

Sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. It is probably just cpost-vacation blues combined with the beginning of summer when there are so many things to get done.

Looking forward to talking to you soon. I'll wait until you are feeling less busy before I call.

Bobkat said...

It's probably a bit of both - the blues and being overwhelmed. I can totally associate with how you feel. I don't seem to be able to get anything done either.

Put the interview experience behind you (easier said than done, I know) and just tackle one thing at a time. Thanks also for your advice about my mother, it was much appreciated as were your recent kind words on my blog. Thank you.

Moon said...

I think it's always abit difficult to get back into the routine of things after any vacation, but even worse after a great vacation so removed from ones own life.
Spring is also such a rush of stuff to do so we can enjoy the nice weather to the fullest as canadians lol.
My sister just sent me pics she took yesterday..she is just outside of Calgary...they got TOTALLY DUMPED ON BY SNOW!!.. her trees full of spring buds and lilacs all weighed down by hords of snow! f****d up is that eh!
Ateast the interview is over..and pick that esteem up gf, u have nothing to feel down on yourself about...

Bobkat said...

Just popped in to see how you're doing. Hope you are feeling less overwhelmed now. Thanks for the advice about my mother. I have certainly taken heed and it was much appreciated.

Kristi said...

Amen, sister! I need about 27 hours in every day in order to feel like I've accomplished anything at all.

And that job interview sounds like it was awful. I've been in some interviews where I've left feeling like that, and I just chalk it up to a learning experience.

So, when's the next vacation? ;)