Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What it Boiled Down To...

*6 glorious days of sunshine
*1 Tornado watch that turned into a really frightening thunderstorm
*1 behind-the-knee wasp sting
*500 katrillion flies
*3 litres of Pinot Grigio
*1 bath in the lake, complete with shampoo and conditioner
*1 tortuous teenage break-up, with new bf installed within 15 minutes of said breakup
*2 sun down dips for two in the lake
*a 4 hour drive through little villages sans famille de Hackette
* 1 very pretty covered bridge known locally as 'The Kissing Bridge"
*3 magazines, 1 Reader's Digest, 0 books read
*1 bleach-cleaned fridge
*1 ice-cold shower
*7 dinners made for the Clan (by me)
*1 bushel of tomatoes, 4 lbs of onions, 2 quarts of wild blueberries, 5 loaves of rye bread, a slab of maple pecan fudge, and 6 gladiolas bought from the Mennonite Farmers
*1 cat bit by a raccoon (not mine)
*1 cat bit by a dozen unknown insects (Mao)
*2 welcome visitors on Thursday night, and 1 self-invited BIL weekend guest, who, all-in-all, behaved himself not too badly (although his washroom ettiquette leaves much to be desired) (Good thing I'm a nurse!)
*one PMS peri-menopausal melt-down by Yours Truly on the last night
*1 cat playing hide-and-seek the morning we were all packed and ready to drive home (Dutchie)

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