Sunday, July 10, 2005

Yesterday's Wedding

Greg and I

Well, the wedding yesterday was actually a lot of fun, the ceremony was short and sweet, and in case you're wondering, my speech went very well. I was pleased with the reaction I got, there were a few laughs, and I think Scott and Christine really enjoyed it. I must admit, I did have a few glasses of wine for bravery and I think it helped. (And no...I did not slurrrrrrr!)
Thank god I stopped drinking right after that speech and opted for water. I decided to be DD at some point, and wouldn't you know it...we got stopped by R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) on the way home! I couldn't believe it! I thought that the police had this programme just during the Christmas season, but apparently they've got it up and running during Wedding season too. I knew I was ok to be driving, but I was nervous just the same. I popped a couple of chocolate covered almonds and when the officer asked, I admitted that I had had a few glasses of wine. Then, I went on to tell him that we were at a wedding, that I was a bridesmaid, had to say a speech and EVERYTHING! (And no....I did not slurrrr!)
To make a short story shorter, I made the officer laugh, he admired my dress (said it was the nicest bridesmaid's dress he'd ever seen!), and I was off on my merry way.

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